ChatGPT: A Chatbot That Answers Your Questions

ChatGPT is one of the most discussed topics on social media in recent times. You might have witnessed the virtual tsunami of stories and discussions about artificial intelligence-based ChatGPT and its impact on different sectors, including academics and professional domains. One of the biggest fears people, especially instructors and college managers, have is that this AI tool can make it easy for students to cheat. Teachers are scrambling to rethink assignments, and educational institutes are struggling to expand their ever-growing list of online utilities that cause concern. 

However, all the discussions taking place over different media platforms are missing the critical point. Instead of asking how we can control students using artificial intelligence tools, the primary question that must be asked is why students cheat. 

Many people believe that it is the fault of the students’ side if they commit cheating. However, the research has identified that cheating is often a symptom of a systemic problem. 

In this blog post, first, we will discuss why students follow the unethical act of stealing others’ work. Later, we will find out how ChatGPT enables students to cheat easily. So, let’s start our discussion without any further ado! 

Why do Students Cheat to Perform Their Assigned Tasks? 

The conventional educational system instructs students to attend multiple classes each day. Similarly, teachers are expected to cover a set amount of material each term. In addition, a number of quizzes and tests are held by teachers to observe the learning of students and award students that they can use for future college and job applications. 

 This study model often instructs students to prioritize marks and grades over deep learning and integrity. Unfortunately, this often causes serious problems as students are keener to get good marks instead of focusing on improving their learning and research skills. To counter this, it becomes inevitable to develop a balance between extrinsic measures of success and intrinsic inspiration. 

 This can happen if we struggle to find unique identities and assets and assign tasks according to them. Also, it is essential to make space for instructors and provide them opportunities to offer students appropriate ways to look for the meaning and purpose of their classes. This will surely improve learning and academic integrity. 

Will ChatGPT Help Students Cheat Better?

 Certainly, this facility offers great assistance to students to complete their work without making any effort. However, this is not as simple as it appears. Like any other technological development, this invention also has various gray portions. 

A few years back, students could use calculators and encyclopedias to manage their assigned tasks effectively. With the innovation, they got the opportunity to use search engines and Wikipedia, which reduced their efforts and provided them ease in completing the task.

 Similarly, ChatGPT provides aid to students in finding relevant data to do their homework. The answers of ChatGPT often sound like an article, but the tone used in it often seems more pedantic than that writer usually prefers in their content.  

There are many examples where students tried ChatGPT and got good marks. The massive database of journals and webpages makes ChatGPT capable of generating content on any topic within a fraction of a second. 

This offers students a great way to get fresh and unique content that they can use without any hurdles. The effectiveness of this utility makes many educators worried about the future of the educational system and find this innovation a strike to students’ capabilities. 

However, the makers believe that instructors should learn to use ChatGPT as a tool and must understand how excellently it can help students think critically. 

Can Instructors Detect If ChatGPT is Used?

 If you think that instructors can spot it easily, then it would be challenging. Certainly, many technology companies that provide online facilities to colleges and universities have started expanding their collection to detect AI.

However, many plagiarism checkers are still not capable of detecting the text generated with ChatGPT. But, there are some advanced utilities like the plagiarism checkers offered by Copyleaks and plagiarismchecker. co is designed to find the ChatGPT-generated text. These tools have shown excellent result accuracy. But, it cannot be suggested as the final option as the creation of AI content and detecting the text generated by such tools is just like a never-ending cat-and-mouse game.

 OpenAI (the creator of ChatGPT) also launched its own AI detector tool. However, various other plagiarism-checking companies claim that this utility only spots 2 out of 10 uploaded AI-generated passages in its test. 

However, teachers have various other ways to find out if their students are using AI tools to perform their given work. For instance, a good teacher always knows the capabilities of their students. Therefore, they can easily find out if their submitted work cannot justify their abilities. Moreover, the sentence structure and vocabulary used in work can also help teachers spot piracy in their students’ work. 

Is ChatGPT Free to Use?

 Yes! ChatGPT offers a free version at the moment. However, OpenAI also offers a paid version that doesn’t get stuck even during its peak time. Similarly, the paid version saves you from facing the message saying ChatGPT is at capacity right now. 

In the free version, you need to sign up on a waiting list if the tool is at its capacity. However, it is estimated that the cost of this tool in the coming future will be huge, which may be challenging for many people, especially students, to afford. It’s been shared by the researchers that ChatGPT may generate $200 million in revenue in 2023, which will lead to $1 billion in 2024. 

 Limitations with ChatGPT

 Students often look for help to complete their assigned tasks effectively. The innovation in technology has undoubtedly provided them with excellent utilities that help them in managing their tasks. 

ChatGPT is certainly a great resource for students that can provide them with assistance in completing their academic assignments. But is this tool remarkably advanced that its generated content can never be traced out? It’s not true! 

Certainly, many students think this tool is highly advanced and believe that the text they generate with it can be submitted without any fear. However, there are a few things that every Student needs to understand: chatGPT doesn’t provide you with any research made after 2021. The content or information you get from this facility would be published or presented two years ago. So, there are chances that the data you get from ChatGPT is outdated and cannot justify the questions asked in the given assignment. 

Moreover, the tool isn’t ideal when it comes to citations. As a student, you must understand the significance of proper citation. Giving credit to the source is a must to avoid the charges of plagiarism. As students, we all explore various platforms to find any relevant information regarding the assigned topics. However, it is vital to properly credit the source of these sources in your paper. 

Missing citation is one of the biggest causes of plagiarism that can lead us to face severe consequences. Unfortunately, ChatGPT is not a perfect option in this scenario. The content generated with this facility doesn’t offer appropriate citations, which reduces its usability, especially for college students and researchers who need to cite the source appropriately. 

 Parting Words

 ChatGPT is an innovation in technology that develops uncertainty in various minds. Many individuals are excited to take advantage of this tool, while others have a fear. On the one hand, this facility is considered a great advent, but on the other hand, many people still doubt its capabilities and examine its output using other facilities. 

However, the use of this tool mainly relies on its users. It’s entirely up to them to use it to enhance their creativity and skills or access it to misguide their readers or instructors. We hope this blog post has helped you learn about ChatGPT and its impact on student’s performance.